Gabby Greenberg
NASM Certified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist
Clients on WeStrive
Years of Experience

What are your favorite features of WeStrive?

Workout Builder

Client Feedback features

Clients love WeStrive

Do you have any client testimonials while using WeStrive that stick out?
What methods have you used to grow your business?

I’ve grown my business through word of mouth and organically on instagram.

Why do you love coaching?

What I love most about coaching is watching how quickly my clients can feel a difference in themselves and seeing their confidence sky rocket. When they realize living a healthy lifestyle can be simple, purposeful, and perfectly tailored to their lives, I know they will carry those tools with them moving forward. It's rewarding to guide people as they discover they can live healthier without feeling restricted or overwhelmed.

Can you give us a brief bio + overview on how you train?
What were you using before WeStrive?

I was just creating PDFs for my clients. They were cute and everyone loved them, but the formatting always took forever. Now I can make shorter, more information and education focused versions of those PDFs and upload them to WeStrive. Then I can simply build the workouts and calendars/messages on the app which is more interactive for both parties.

You have a lot of social media followers, how did you acquire so many?
Now that you have all these clients - what are you doing to gather even more?
What's your favorite feature about WeStrive?

My favorite features on WeStrive are the workout builder and the ability to have a video library. I also love the feedback section after a client finishes a workout. I enjoy seeing how everyone is doing in real time and knowing that they are sticking to their program. My clients say it is very easy to use and they all love it too.

What are some client highlights you can share through your time with WeStrive?
How would you describe your business?

My coaching style is centered around balance, empowerment, and teaching people that being healthy doesn't mean you have to give up the things you love. I use a holistic approach that combines fitness, nutrition, and mindset to help my clients build sustainable habits. Breaking it all down into small, digestible, and practical tools. This approach allows for more personalized and sustainable change. In my group programs, the power of community really amplifies the motivation and accountability aspects.

How many clients did you used to train online?
How has the support been for WeStrive?
How many hours a week do you spend using WeStrive?

I probably use WeStrive anywhere from 15 mins to 1-2 hours a day. I always have the desktop version open on my computer in case I need to build or tweak workouts, add in auto messages or habits, and more. I check it periodically throughout the day on my phone as well to see how my clients are doing, message them, track their workouts if doing in person sessions, double check that things are properly assigned to them. It makes it really easy to see who is on track and who needs some extra attention.

How big is your team that helps you run your business?
How long have you been a coach?
What's it like having your own app in the app store?

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