Using the Resources section on WeStrive

Follow this quick guide to learn exactly how to add and utilize the resources section on WeStrive

WeStrive - How To section
Using Resources on WeStrive
WeStrive resources

How to add Resources to WeStrive

From the My Business tab, you're able to add a full database of resources for your clients to utilize throughout the app.

You can build out recipes, warm-ups, stretches, workout guides, or any type of how-to document/collection.

From the Resources tab, simply just add the Resource name, create a category, and then add an image, video (optional), and description.

WeStrive resources

Clients access the library from the Train tab

From the mobile app, clients will swipe over from the Programs tab in order to access your Resources section.

From here they can filter by category/name and view all of the recipes, stretching guides, etc. that you've uploaded.

It's as simple as that!

Very soon we'll be releasing 'chapters' into the Resources section - stay tuned!

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Using Resources on WeStrive